Monday, May 4, 2015

Hey Honey take it off Review

I am not much of a fan of peel off masks.  They always seem much to abrasive for my skin.  However, when I noticed this sample in my stash I decided to try it.  I was originally going to use a mud mask, but decided on this instead.

It had a thicker texture than I am used to for peel off masks. It felt like a thicker version of honey (go figure).  It took about 15 minutes for it to fully dry before I was ready to pull it off.  

I look horrible, but this was right after application
 It peeled off a lot easier than I expected!  It was wonderful!  My skin feels so nice and soft!  This is for sure going on my wishlist!  You can find more about the product here. 

Instagram Auctions

I have a ton of samples/beauty products that I won't use. They are either the wrong color for me, or they have something in them I am allergic too.  So, I opened up a new instagram account to hold beauty auctions.  Before I can have an auction I need to have enough followers to make it worth while!  Go follow!

Pay Pal only will be added to the rules.  

I will be listing what will be auctioned off here too when an auction starts

Perfectly Posh Pink Putty

My final product that I purchased from Perfectly Posh was Pink Putty.  It's a peppermint foot mask.  I have never done a foot mask, so it was a little unusual for me.  I was afraid to move with it, and afraid if I walked around after it dried I would have foot prints everywhere.  That wasn't the case those.

It is a very nice cooling sensation when you put it on.  It was a nice peppermint scent, and wasn't at all overpowering.  It was a lot like what you would expect from a facial mask, but for your feet.  I loved having the mud on my feet!

When it was completely dry it because a chalky color.  It didn't take long to dry at all.  I left it on for about 10 minutes.

At first it seemed to dry out my feet.  However, the next day I did notice that my feet didn't feel as rough.  So, I guess it worked, but it isn't my favorite product.  I probably wouldn't buy this again, but it is nice for the moment.

To see other Perfectly Posh products I have tried you can go to this post.  It also will tell you where you can go to buy some for yourself!