Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Oh honey!

It's been a while since I posted anything on the blog.  My postpartum depression got really bad, so I stepped back from everything to refocus on myself.  I just wanted to share with you the AWESOME promotions that are going on this week!  They can be purchased at  

First off is Stay Gold face mask.  This is the feature of the week, and you will save $2.00 off if you buy it before Saturday the 26th and midnight MST.  It is made with turmeric (lots of anti aging properties and great for the skin).  Turmeric is the latest trend in skin care right now.  It's what gives this mask an orange color.  It is mixed with honey which is fantastic for so many things!  It will heal your face from damage, and help with any aging problems you have.

Next up are more honey products!  If you buy the Bees Knees body scrub you will get a free Honey Dip Chuck (LARGE bar of soap).  The other products are a few dollars each.  I have been challenged to sell 12-24 honey items before tomorrow at 11 am.  So if you feel so inclined, I would love you to help me!  I will even throw in a free lip balm!  
Here are all the reasons why honey is so great for you in regards to skin care.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Beauty Review: Never Grow Up Anti-Aging Serum

I have always heard that if you don't have time for a skin care regimen you should at least use a good serum at night.  It just takes a few seconds to apply, and it does wonders for your skin!  I had been using Mary Kay's vitamin C serum, but I wanted something that wasn't as costly.  I decided to try the serum that Perfectly Posh offers.  After the third night of using it I woke up looking like I had a facelift!  My skin was so tight, and my skin was glowing.  I love this serum.  It has a nice lavender/lemon scent that is perfect and calming for night time.  You can get yours HERE.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Beauty Review: Tree Hugger Lip Scrub

I grew up using Mary Kay's Satin Lips and similar products.  All of them required you to rinse them off.  So I ask you.....when was the last time your lip scrub said in the directions "lick or wipe off the excess sugar"?  Well, that's precisely what Tree Hugger Lip scrub from Perfectly Posh tells you to do.  It's so refreshing to be able to lick it off if you choose to!

Does it work?  Yes, very well.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Beauty Review: Schwanky and Soft

Today's beauty review just happens to be this weeks feature of the week.  Schwanky and Soft is a nice relaxing way to keep your feet soft.  It has mint in it, so it feels excellent while on the feet, an it gently exfoliates it.  It is recommended to use each day for 1-2 weeks to see full results.

For me, I used our Heebie Jeebie foot peel first, and then I used the Schwanky and Soft to finish off any rough patches that were left.

These products can be purchased at my website.  Before you purchase anything be sure to sign up for perks first.  That way you have perks for your purchase, for your birthday, and for just signing up!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Perfectly Posh Seas of the Day Review

Seas of the Day Chuck
Perfectly Posh has two different kinds of soap bars.  A chunk and a snarky bar.  Here are a few pictures to demonstrate the different products, and how they compare to those you would find on the market.

Here is a picture that shows the differences between the bars.  The Snarky bar is loaded with natural exfoliating beads, and is taller than any bar I have seen.  You have the basic Dove bar in the middle, and then the chunk at the end.  (The chunk shown is our Gender Bender which is like coalface at Lush).  The chunks you need two hands for. I know it doesn't look like it, but you do!
Here is a description of the exfoliating beads in the snarky bar.  They are FANTASTIC at exfoliating feet!  I have a snarky bar in my shower for just that reason!  I use the snarky bar once a week all over my body to get rid of excess skin cell build up.

Right now I have been using our Seas of the Day chunk in my shower.  I wasn't sure I was going to like the scent because I don't like cherry stuff, but it is heavenly!  The website describes it as:

"Shea butter and wild cherry extract bring a wave of beachy perfection to your skin with a splash of agave fragrance. You'll be ready to Seas the Day after every shower."

I have been using this chunk for three weeks and there doesn't seem to be any wearing showing on the soap yet.  I do feel like I get basked in lotion every time I take a shower because of this chunk!  I would expect some drying, but this doesn't seem to do that.  As an extra works as a lovely air freshener for my bathroom too!  

Right now it is on closeout for $7.00  

Friday, November 20, 2015

Perfectly Posh Beauty Review: Smashing Good Pumpkin

First off, I am not a person that regularly suffers from acne.  When I do have breakouts they are usually pretty painful.  I decided to try the smashing good pumpkin clay skin mask to see if it would help.

The first time I used it was before an event that I had.  I had a zit pop up, and I didn't want that to be the focus during this event.  So I applied the mask.  The next morning my zit was greatly diminished to the point that it was barely there.

The second time I used it I had numerous painful zits.  I put on the mask, and rinsed it off.  Immediately the pain was diminished.

This mask is a gentle clay mask that brings out toxins from your skin.  Even though it is named Smashing Good Pumpkin it does not smell like pumpkin.  It smells like clay.  It can be purchased from my website.  Before you purchase anything be sure to sign up for the perks program.  You will get free points for signing up and for your birthday, AND for everything you buy!  

Thursday, November 19, 2015

November Splurge of the Month

Are You Twisted or Naughty????
You have your choice between a twisted peppermint snarky bar or a charcoal snarky bar.

What is a snarky bar?  It's a large bar of soap with thousands of exfoliating agents in it.  It's totally natural! 

The Naughty Snarky Bar is a snarky version of Gender Bender.  It would make a fantastic stocking stuffer for the men in your life!  

Order yours before they are gone because they will sell out!