Thursday, March 26, 2015

Beauty Counter

There are many direct sales companies out there.  Many I have never heard of!  Through my experience with Jamberry I am being introduced to many different brands.  I participate in a Consultant of the Month group on Facebook, and it has given me a lot of exposure to different companies.  As well as helping me make friends in other companies.  It's great because we are all supportive of one another!

This week I tried Beauty Counter.  I had never heard of it before.  I lost a raffle, so I had to buy some product from the rep.  I chose to buy the touch-up skin concealer touch up pen.  I have a port-wine birthmark on my face, so I didn't have high hopes for it.  Yet, I was willing to try it.  I also bought the brown sugar scrub (yet to try it, so expect a blog post to come).

 My consultant was Brette Space.  She seems very knowledgeable, and nice.  If you are interested in Beauty Counter I recommend you go to her!

Here are the before and after photos.  Keep in mind, that I HATE taking pictures of myself, and I HATE drawing attention to my birthmark.

Touchup skin applicator
I honestly didn't have high hopes for this product.  Most concealers don't do much of anything when it comes to covering my birthmark.  This one did a fairly good job.  My favorite is still dermablend, but I am looking for other options that may be cheaper.  This is definitely in the running.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Review of Younique 3D Fiberlash Mascara

So I have been hearing a lot about Younique's 3D Fiberlash Mascara.  I was invited to tons of online parties, but lets be real.  I'm a stay-at-home mom.  Why would I spend $29 on a mascara?  I barely wear makeup as it is!  So....I ignored every single party.  Didn't even wait to see what all they hype was about.  I just left the group, and was done.

Fast forward to me becoming a Jamberry Rep meeting other vendors.  At one event there was a Younique presenter.  My up-line convinced me that I had to try this mascara.  So.....I caved.  My husband had been trying to get me to spend money on myself, so I bought some mascara.  Erin (the presenter) took me into the bathroom, and showed me how to apply it.

I didn't think that there was much of a difference between my regular mascara (that my son had just thrown in the toilet that morning) and the 3D Fiberlash Mascara, BUT everyone else did!  It has been a long time since I have received this many compliments!  Most of the time I am just wearing mascara, and nothing else.
So I decided to show you some pictures showing the progression of lashes.  Please ignore my awful lighting and eyebrows.  Like I said.....stay-at-home mom......with new baby.

No mascara
One coat of Unique 3D Fiberlash Mascara 
Two coats 3D Fiberlash Mascara

I can't even imagine what they would look like if I did more than two coats!  One is enough for every day for me!  Needless to say, I love this mascara.  I was a huge skeptic, but now I am sold!

For those of you with sensitive eyes:  My eyelids swell up with most mascaras, but it doesn't with this.

I love that it comes off with just water!  

I love that my eyelashes are super hard like a lot of mascaras make them.    

I highly recommend this product!

Something that I have noticed about Younique presenters are that they seem to be extremely pushy and narcissistic.  Erin is not like that at all.  She is super nice, and listens to questions without getting annoyed.  I highly recommend that you go to her site to shop, and try their products!  

*I did not get anything for writing this review.  

Monday, March 16, 2015

Hostess Coaching

Hostess coaching can make or break your party.  The hostess involvement is essential to having a successful party, so we need be sure that they are adequately prepared.  Preparing your hostess is called "hostess coaching".

Hostess Packet:

About a week before the party is supposed to start I touch base with the hostess to make sure everything is still on for our party.  I go over any questions she may have.  I also let her know that I have her hostess packet in the mail.  (I have found it is cheapest to send via flat rate shipping envelope from the post office.  They deliver them for free, and I can schedule a pickup)  Here is what I usually send in my hostess packet:

  • Thank you note.  I have a ton lying around, so I just use one of those.  Nothing special.  It can even be a piece of paper so you don't have to buy anything.
  • 2-3 catalogs (I have only had one person request more than that)
  • 5-10 business cards with samples glued to them
  • A host/join brochure
  • If the hostess is new to Jamberry I also send a half sheet of wraps so that she can show off her hands during the party.  She picks something from my current stash. (this is not necessary)
  • I also send the hostess planner from the Jamberry shop
The day before the party starts:

I touch base with the hostess again, and let her know that I will be adding her to her party later in the day.  I send her this to look over, and ask that she hold off on messaging her friends.  
Next, I add the hostess.  I send her the URL for the party, and I remind her to invite ALL of her female friends (and sometimes Male friends too).  I remind the hostess that you can never know who will be interested in the product, so be sure to invite everyone.  My largest orders have come from people I barely know, and people who I never would have expected to be interested in the product!  This is when I ask her to privately message (not group message) her friends to personally invite them to the party.  

During the party:

  • I ask the hostess to post pictures of her Jams on her hands
  • Remind her to pass catalogs around to friends and family as much as possible
  • Ask her to tag friends in certain posts (samples, bingo, personaility) 

Nail Art Studio

Jamberry has this neat aspect of the business that allows you to create your own wraps.  I was asked to create a few different ones in the past week.  One was for the Day of the Silence for Doctor Who fans, and the other was for a fundraiser for Autism Awareness.
 All proceeds from the Autism Awareness wrap will be donated to the Autism Foundation.  Meaning, any commission that I earn from this wrap I will be donating.  If you are interested in ordering either of these wraps, please let me know.  I will tell you how to order them!
As always, you can shop at
If you have never tried Jamberry nail wraps request a free sample by filling out this form!