Monday, March 16, 2015

Hostess Coaching

Hostess coaching can make or break your party.  The hostess involvement is essential to having a successful party, so we need be sure that they are adequately prepared.  Preparing your hostess is called "hostess coaching".

Hostess Packet:

About a week before the party is supposed to start I touch base with the hostess to make sure everything is still on for our party.  I go over any questions she may have.  I also let her know that I have her hostess packet in the mail.  (I have found it is cheapest to send via flat rate shipping envelope from the post office.  They deliver them for free, and I can schedule a pickup)  Here is what I usually send in my hostess packet:

  • Thank you note.  I have a ton lying around, so I just use one of those.  Nothing special.  It can even be a piece of paper so you don't have to buy anything.
  • 2-3 catalogs (I have only had one person request more than that)
  • 5-10 business cards with samples glued to them
  • A host/join brochure
  • If the hostess is new to Jamberry I also send a half sheet of wraps so that she can show off her hands during the party.  She picks something from my current stash. (this is not necessary)
  • I also send the hostess planner from the Jamberry shop
The day before the party starts:

I touch base with the hostess again, and let her know that I will be adding her to her party later in the day.  I send her this to look over, and ask that she hold off on messaging her friends.  
Next, I add the hostess.  I send her the URL for the party, and I remind her to invite ALL of her female friends (and sometimes Male friends too).  I remind the hostess that you can never know who will be interested in the product, so be sure to invite everyone.  My largest orders have come from people I barely know, and people who I never would have expected to be interested in the product!  This is when I ask her to privately message (not group message) her friends to personally invite them to the party.  

During the party:

  • I ask the hostess to post pictures of her Jams on her hands
  • Remind her to pass catalogs around to friends and family as much as possible
  • Ask her to tag friends in certain posts (samples, bingo, personaility) 

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