Thursday, March 26, 2015

Beauty Counter

There are many direct sales companies out there.  Many I have never heard of!  Through my experience with Jamberry I am being introduced to many different brands.  I participate in a Consultant of the Month group on Facebook, and it has given me a lot of exposure to different companies.  As well as helping me make friends in other companies.  It's great because we are all supportive of one another!

This week I tried Beauty Counter.  I had never heard of it before.  I lost a raffle, so I had to buy some product from the rep.  I chose to buy the touch-up skin concealer touch up pen.  I have a port-wine birthmark on my face, so I didn't have high hopes for it.  Yet, I was willing to try it.  I also bought the brown sugar scrub (yet to try it, so expect a blog post to come).

 My consultant was Brette Space.  She seems very knowledgeable, and nice.  If you are interested in Beauty Counter I recommend you go to her!

Here are the before and after photos.  Keep in mind, that I HATE taking pictures of myself, and I HATE drawing attention to my birthmark.

Touchup skin applicator
I honestly didn't have high hopes for this product.  Most concealers don't do much of anything when it comes to covering my birthmark.  This one did a fairly good job.  My favorite is still dermablend, but I am looking for other options that may be cheaper.  This is definitely in the running.

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