Sunday, June 14, 2015

Book Review: A Desperate Fortune

Susanna Kearsley is one of my all time favorite authors!  I was able to meet her shortly after this book came out.  She is as wonderful in person as her writing is.

This book follows the traditional style of Kearsley's featuring a dual timeline plot.  Her writing is extremely descriptive in a way that makes the reader feel like they are there.  However, this book was a bit different.  This book featured a main character with Aspergers.

I loved that she tied in something that is considered a disability in most people's eyes, and made it a strength in this book.  It showed how those with Aspergers think differently, and are very gifted in some areas.

All in all it was a very sweet book.  I loved the dual timeline, and I feel in love with the characters.  So much so that when it ended I couldn't decide if I liked the ending.  I just wanted to book to continue.

I really feel like Kearsley out did herself with this book.

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