Saturday, August 8, 2015

Book Review: The Firebird by Susanna Kearsley

First off, this book was much bigger than I had expected.  I don't mind reading bigger books, but it just threw off my reading schedule a bit.  I think it is a bit different than Susanna's other books.  It was chalk full of beautiful imagery.  Due to her writing I know want to visit so many different places!

The majority of the book moved slow.  Not slow enough that you didn't want to read it, but slow.  It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either.  Until the last quarter of the book!  The last quarter of the book was incredible!

Everything started falling into place.  You were so invested in these characters that you intently felt their pain.  My heart actually clenched up for these characters!  I couldn't put the book down once I reached the last quarter of the book.  That made the whole book worth it!

It's nice that she has tied in many of her other books into this book too.  You don't need to read the other books to love her books, but she will bring a character in from a book here and there.  It makes it fun!  This one made me want to reread the Winter Sea again.

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