Tuesday, September 29, 2015

New Perfectly Posh Consultant!!!!!

If you have been following my blog for any length of period you would have noticed that I am a fan of perfectly posh.  I love that they are a more natural approach to beauty products.  Plus they don't have lanolin in them (I think I am beginning to react to it).  Since I am spending so much money on it, I decided that I would sign up!  Please support my new endeavor and place an order!  Click here for my party link!  Here are some of my favorite products.
Cackle Spackle is AMAZING!!!!  It's a beautiful blend of mint and charcoal.  Love it!  You need to buy it soon because it is expected to sell out any day now.  For good reason too!!!!!

In this photo you will see the sample of both stripper and the snarky butter.  Both I love!!!!  I'm a fan of face masks, so stripper is wonderful!  Snarky butter may my skin feel like a baby's bottom.  Then there is caramel cray cray and rah rah raspberry lip stuff.  Lanolin free!  :D  

This is Kale Face.  It made my skin so incredibly soft!  

Monday, September 28, 2015

Book Review: The Princess Academy The Forgotten Sisters

I stumbled upon this book a few weeks ago.  I didn't realize that there was a third installment to the series.  I quickly bought it and read it in about 24 hours.  I had just finished a heavier book, so having something nice and light to read was refreshing.

This book follows Miri as she goes to become a tutor for some unruly swamp girls.  It seems an insurmountable task, but she knows that she must succeed because when she does they will own Mount Eskel.  There are lots of twists and turns, and funny moments throughout the book.  It was truly a delight to read.  I am sad that this is the end of the Princess Academy books.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Book Review: The Invasion of the Tearling

The writing in this book is phenomenal. There were a few times where I had to grab a dictionary to look up a word that I didn't know.  It's been a while since something like that has happened to this avid reader!  I loved the challenge.

This is the second book in the Tearling series by Erika Johansen.  The first book was part of my book club book club, but I had to continue the story.  However, I failed to realize that this is part of a trilogy (or more?).  I was 25 pages from the end when suddenly I realized that there was no way this book could end in the span of those pages.  So I looked up, and sure enough book #3 is coming out in June 2016!  Ugh!  I wish I had known.  Needless to say....I have already pre-ordered the next book!  I wish it were out now!  The suspense is going to kill me!  I finished this yesterday and am still reeling at the possibilities of what  could happen.  It's going to be a long almost year!

This book will capture your attention.  More-so than the first book.  There is an element introduced to the story that makes it so much more complex than Queen of the Tearling was.  I don't want to leave spoilers, but just be assured that it is worth your read!

What I don't like about the book is the element of self-harm.  I didn't feel is was essential to the plot to have not one, but TWO self-harming queens in the book.  This is such a touchy subject that I don't understand why the author threw it in there.  Unless she herself struggles with self-harm and views it as a positive thing.  As someone who has self-harmed in the past, I can see how it can be a major trigger for someone else who struggles with it.  This made me very disappointed in the author.

Other than that.....it's a good book!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Beauty Review: Cackle Spackle

I've you have been following my blog for a while you may have noticed that I am quickly falling in love with Perfectly Posh.  I love face masks, but never had a good track record of finding ones that I liked.  So far I have liked each mud mask that I have tried!  

This one is Cackle Spackle.  It's a mix of peppermint and charcoal.  It is WONDERFUL!  It is so refreshing!  AND it made my skin soft as a baby's bottom!  I can't say enough how much I love this stuff!  This is a holiday exclusive item, so you might want to get yours before they are gone!  www.perfectlyposh.com/melodypharmon

Partial Review: The Invasion of the Tearling

I am three quarters of the way through with this book.  I started reading it after we read Queen of the Tearling for book club.  Well, I am a bit frustrated with the direction the author has taken this book.  The queen is now self-harming and it’s becoming a main part of the story.  As someone who has had an issue with self-harming (due to a medication I was on, and has since stopped) I can see this being a big issue for others.  If someone has an ongoing temptation to self-harm this book could be a trigger for them.  I wish the author didn’t make this part of the plot.  
Ok.  Off my soapbox.....

Saturday, September 12, 2015

It's Almost Time For Jamberry's Launch In Australia and New Zealand!!!!

It's almost time for Jamberry's launch in Australia and New Zealand!!!!  Can you tell how excited I am?  No?  Well I am!  I can't wait to share this opportunity with a larger community of people!  The Jamberry opportunity has changed my life.  It has given me confidence again, and it has helped my family substantially!  I look forward to mentoring any of you reading this that want to be part of one of the top teams in the company!  I have an awesome team, and you can be part of it too!  Starting October 1st you can go to melodypharmon.jamberrynails.net/join and you can sign up under me.  I am great, and will help you every step of the way!  Have questions?  Ask!  I'm here to answer any questions you may have!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Book Review: Go Pro by Eric Worre

One of my upline leaders in Jamberry recommended that I read Go Pro.  I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed the read!  It talks about the basics behind direct sales/multilevel marketing, but he also explains the importance of being an expert.  My favorite theme in the book is the fact that he encourages us to "become a permanent student".  This is applicable in all our lives!  We should always keep learning.  

"In this world you're either growing or you're dying.  So get in motion and grow." -Lou Holtz

Here are some of the quotes that I liked:

"There are no bad experiences and no good experiences, only learning experiences."

"Let go of the outcome and focus on what you can learn from every experience."

"If you outlast people, you'll make it to the top."

"Technology can help us connect with people in ways that are becoming more and more efficient, but nothing replaces face-to-face interaction."

All in all this was a great book.  I suggest that anyone in direct sales read this book because it opens your eyes.  It helps you understand your business more, and will help give you the tools necessary to succeed.  

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Jamberry is coming to New Zealand and Australia!!!!!

Do you live in New Zealand or Australia?  Are you looking for a way to earn extra money?  Do you love having your nails done?  If so, Jamberry is for you!!!!

Jamberry is a fantastic opportunity that has changed my life.  Let me help you build your buisness in this ground floor opportunity!  Starting in October you will be able to join Jamberry, and earn your way to a new career!


Sunday, September 6, 2015

Have awesome nails for a good cause!

Did you know that black cats nation wide have the lowest adoption rates at shelters, and also have the highest euthanasia rates. I've decided that for ever Double Trouble wrap I sell I will donate $2 to the local shelter to sponsor a black cat waiting for a home. melodypharmon.jamberrynails.net

Perfectly Posh Review: Snarky Butter

I got this sample in my box from a previous order from Perfectly Posh.  Normally I don't like body butters.  They are too greasy.  However, this sample was a pleasant surprise!  It absorbed quickly, and smells lovely!  My skin feels super soft after use, and stays that way for a while afterward.  This is definitely going to be my next purchase from Perfectly Posh!

It does contain Almond in it, so be careful if you have someone in your family with a nut allergy.


Book Review: The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

I participate in an online book club through a combination of Tumblr and Goodreads.  This month the two books that were chosen were picked because September is banned book month.  The first book was The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood.  It was banned due to sexuality in the book.

This is not a book that I would have picked to read, but I ended up really loving it.  In short, the current society is overrun, and women lose their rights.  They become baby factories of sort.  It was eerie to read because the way it occurs is plausible in some aspects.  It sort of reminded me of how Hitler corrupted Germany the way he did for WWII.

Margaret Atwood has a strong grasp on writing.  This book is very eloquent and a joy to ready.  I will say that if you like to read the last sentence of the book before the rest of the book DO NOT do that for this book.  The last sentence of the book left me longing for more.  I finished it days ago, and yet I still can't get it out of my mind.