Tuesday, September 29, 2015

New Perfectly Posh Consultant!!!!!

If you have been following my blog for any length of period you would have noticed that I am a fan of perfectly posh.  I love that they are a more natural approach to beauty products.  Plus they don't have lanolin in them (I think I am beginning to react to it).  Since I am spending so much money on it, I decided that I would sign up!  Please support my new endeavor and place an order!  Click here for my party link!  Here are some of my favorite products.
Cackle Spackle is AMAZING!!!!  It's a beautiful blend of mint and charcoal.  Love it!  You need to buy it soon because it is expected to sell out any day now.  For good reason too!!!!!

In this photo you will see the sample of both stripper and the snarky butter.  Both I love!!!!  I'm a fan of face masks, so stripper is wonderful!  Snarky butter may my skin feel like a baby's bottom.  Then there is caramel cray cray and rah rah raspberry lip stuff.  Lanolin free!  :D  

This is Kale Face.  It made my skin so incredibly soft!  

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