Monday, February 16, 2015

Doterra Purify: Why it is one of my essentials in the home.

I am the first to admit that this oil is not one of my favorite smelling oils.  However, it has become an essential part of my household routine.  I didn't know how important this was to me until yesterday.

There was an unbelievable disgusting smell in our kitchen.  We thought it was under the sink.  (turns out their was a leak and it rotted)  That wasn't the problem.  It took all day to realize that it was the towel underneath our drying rack.  My wonderful husband forgot that he spilled a bunch of milk on it.

Oh, the smell was awful!!!  Words can't describe it!  I wanted to puke every time I went near the kitchen.

Once we determined the cause of the smell it immediately went through the wash.  I opened the washing machine to switch it to the dryer, and I puked from the smell.

We cloth diaper, so I needed to do laundry if I was to have diapers.  So, I added our diapers and ran a rinse cycle.  Then I ran a delicate cycle with just 5 drops of purify in it.  After that cycle it smelled a little better, but it needed more.  So then I ran our heavy duty cycle with another 5 drops of purify, and a downy ball with vinegar in it.  (our normal diaper cycle is a rinse cycle followed by a delicate cycle.  Then heavy duty cycle)

I was amazed that it corrected the problem!  I thought for sure I was going to have to throw out the towel!  We were worried that the diapers were going to be rank too!  Boy was I relieved.

Here are other ways that I use Purify:

  • a few drops in a spray bottle to disinfect surfaces
  • a few drops in a spray bottle for hand sanitize
  • When a bottle is empty I will fill it with water to keep in my purse as a hand sanitizer
  • I will put it in the diffuser if my kitchen is smelly from cooking
  • I will put a few drops on my toilet paper cardboard.  Whenever the roll moves it will deodorize the air.  
To learn more about oils, or purify you may go here to learn more.
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